Driving on Sunshine

Driving on Sunshine

If you are looking at buying an electric vehicle, chances are you have considered the ease of powering the vehicle.  While some electric vehicle critics may be skeptical of a convenient and cost-effective way to power your vehicle, I am going to share with you how "driving on sunshine" is not too good to be true.

It's Good for the Environment

Probably no surprise here, but it's hard to argue with the pursuit of creating less direct emissions in the world. The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy  states the electric vehicles, "typically produce fewer life cycle emissions than conventional vehicles because most emissions are lower for electricity generation than burning gasoline or diesel." 

Electric vehicle owners can further minimize their lifecycle emissions by utilizing solar power.

It's More Convenient Than You Think

Setting up a home charging station can be more convenient than you think. Especially if you invest in solar panels at your home, you can compound the savings significantly as well as have the desired cutback in emissions.  Your electric vehicle model and manufacturer will determine the home charging setup that you require. Once you have that information, you can cross-reference it against the Alternative Fuels Data Center search tool and see if there are any state/federal incentives for your home charging station. 

It's More Affordable Than You Think

Although it's commonly accepted that the energy savings from making the solar switch add up over time, not many people understand that you don't have to spend any cash upfront. In a recent blog post, I shared important details on how to take advantage of the Solar Investment Tax Credit for 2020. Installing a car charging station together with the solar array should allow you to claim the tax credit on both.

This is why I say there is no driving experience I like more than driving on sunshine. Let's see if it could work for you - contact me for a quote for solar for your home or business today!